5 techniques simples de 最受欢迎的大麻品种



They stimulate the elongation growth of shoots and initiate the carré of adventitious and lateral roots. Cytokinins, in turn, are formed in root tips and in unripe fruit and seeds. These hormones are responsible expérience stimulating the growth of lateral shoots, they also stimulate cytokinesis and, consequently, cell département. The aim of this review paper is to present the progress of the research nous-mêmes the effect of selected auxins and cytokinins o...

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In vitro mass propagation of Cannabis sativa website L.: A protocol refinement using novel aromatic cytokinin meta-topolin and the assessment of eco-physiological, biochemical and genetic fidelity of micropropagated plantage

此条目介绍的是药品大麻。关于大麻植物的介绍,请见“大麻属”。关于用作纺织的工业用合法大麻,请见“火麻”。关于“大麻”一词的其他含义,请见“大麻 (消歧义)”。


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